Imagine a Framework
Sapphire is a next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework.
Sapphire is a community driven framework that aims to give you all the features you need to make your Discord bot.
With a history of many other Discord bot frameworks (both for NodeJS and other languages) to inspire Sapphire, it has become the ultimate modern experience of writing your code.
Sapphire is a community driven framework that aims to give you all the features you need to make your Discord bot.
With a history of many other Discord bot frameworks (both for NodeJS and other languages) to inspire Sapphire, it has become the ultimate modern experience of writing your code.
Key Features
- Advanced plugin support
- Supports both CommonJS and ESM
- Completely modular and extendable
- Designed with first class TypeScript support in mind
- Includes optional utilities that you can use in any project