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Enumeration: RegisterBehavior

Defined in: projects/framework/src/lib/types/Enums.ts:37

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
BulkOverwrite"BULK_OVERWRITE"Makes Sapphire handle all command registrations, removals, and updates for you. This mode can only be set as the default behavior, and cannot be set per-command. In this mode: - any idHints set per-command are no longer respected, and can be omitted. - any behaviorWhenNotIdentical that are set per-command are no longer respected, and can be omitted. - any application commands that are not registered through Sapphire's ApplicationCommandRegistry are removed from the application. - the same applies for guild commands, but only for guilds that are registered in the registry via guildIds.projects/framework/src/lib/types/Enums.ts:58
VerboseOverwrite"VERBOSE_OVERWRITE"Finds all differences in the commands provided using our internal computation method, and logs them to the console, while applying them. Danger This can potentially cause slowdowns when booting up your bot as computing differences on big commands can take a while. We recommend you use OVERWRITE instead in production.projects/framework/src/lib/types/Enums.ts:46