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Function: applyLocalizedBuilder()

applyLocalizedBuilder<T, TOpt, Ns, KPrefix>(builder: T, ...params: [string] | [string, string]): T

Defined in: projects/plugins/packages/i18next/src/lib/functions.ts:312

Applies the localized names and descriptions on the builder, calling applyNameLocalizedBuilder and applyDescriptionLocalizedBuilder.

Type Parameters

Type ParameterDefault type
T extends BuilderWithNameAndDescription-
TOpt extends TOptionsTOptions
Ns extends Namespace"translation"


builderTThe builder to apply the localizations to.
...params[string] | [string, string]The root key or the key for the name and description keys. This needs to be either 1 or 2 parameters. See examples below for more information.



The updated builder. You can chain subsequent builder methods on this.


If only 2 parameters were passed, then this function will automatically append Name and Description to the root-key (wherein root-key is second parameter in the function, after builder) passed through the second parameter.

For example given applyLocalizedBuilder(builder, 'userinfo') the localized options will use the i18next keys userinfoName and userinfoDescription.

In the following example we provide all parameters and add a User Option applyLocalizedBuilder needs either


class UserInfoCommand extends Command {
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: ChatInputCommand.Registry) {
(builder) =>
applyLocalizedBuilder(builder, 'commands/names:userinfo', 'commands/descriptions:userinfo')
(input) => applyLocalizedBuilder(input, 'commands/options:userinfo-name', 'commands/options:userinfo-description').setRequired(true)

In the following example we provide single root keys which means Name and Description get appended as mentioned above.

class UserInfoCommand extends Command {
public registerApplicationCommands(registry: ChatInputCommand.Registry) {
(builder) =>
applyLocalizedBuilder(builder, 'commands:userinfo')
(input) => applyLocalizedBuilder(input, 'options:userinfo').setRequired(true)