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Variable: MessageLimits

const MessageLimits: object

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord-utilities/src/lib/limits.ts:445

Namespace containing limits related to Discord messages.

Type declaration


readonly MaximumActionRows: 5 = 5

Maximum action rows allowed in a single message.


readonly MaximumEmbeds: 10 = 10

Maximum embeds allowed in a single message.


readonly MaximumLength: 2000 = 2000

Maximum characters allowed in a single message for a user.


readonly MaximumMessagesToBulkDelete: 100 = 100

Maximum number of messages to delete in a single bulk delete request.


readonly MaximumMessagesToFetch: 100 = 100

Maximum number of messages to return from the channel messages API.


readonly MaximumNitroBasicUploadSize: 50000000 = 50_000_000

Maximum upload size for a Nitro Basic user, in any guild or in DMs. Size is in bytes, and corresponds to 50MB.


readonly MaximumNitroLength: 4000 = 4000

Maximum characters allowed in a single message for a nitro user.


readonly MaximumNitroUploadSize: 500000000 = 500_000_000

Maximum upload size for a Nitro user, in any guild or in DMs. Size is in bytes, and corresponds to 500MB.


readonly MaximumReactions: 20 = 20

Maximum numbers of reactions allowed for a message.


readonly MaximumRequestSize: 25000000 = 25_000_000

Maximum request size when sending a messages. Size is in bytes, and corresponds to 25MB.


readonly MaximumUploadSize: 25000000 = 25_000_000

Maximum upload size for a free user in a guild of tier 1 or below, or in DMs. Size is in bytes, and corresponds to 25MB.


readonly MaximumUploadSizeInGuild: readonly [25000000, 25000000, 50000000, 100000000]

Maximum upload size for a free user for all different boost levels available in a guild. Sizes are in bytes, and correspond to 25MB, 25MB, 50MB, and 100MB.


readonly MinimumMessagesToBulkDelete: 2 = 2

Minimum number of messages to delete in a single bulk delete request.


readonly MinimumMessagesToFetch: 1 = 1

Minimum number of messages to return from the channel messages API.