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Class: MessagePrompter<S>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:98

This is a MessagePrompter, a utility that sends a message, prompting for user input. The prompt can resolve to any kind of input. There are several specifiable types to prompt for user input, and they are as follows:

  • Confirm This will send a simple Yes/No prompt, using reactions.
  • Number This will prompt for an integer. By default it will be a number between 0 and 10 (inclusive), however you can also specify your own custom range (inclusive).
  • Reactions This can be any kind of reaction emoji that Discord supports, and as many as you want. This type will return that reaction instead of a boolean.
  • Message This will prompt the user and require a response in the form of a message. This can be helpful if you require a user to upload an image for example, or give text input.

You must either use this class directly or extend it.

MessagePrompter uses reactions to prompt for a yes/no answer and returns it. You can modify the confirm and cancel reaction used for each message, or use the MessagePrompter.defaultPrompts. MessagePrompter.defaultPrompts is also static so you can modify these directly.


const { MessagePrompter } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');

const handler = new MessagePrompter('Are you sure you want to continue?');
const result = await, author);
const { MessagePrompter } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');

const handler = new MessagePrompter('Choose a number between 5 and 10?', 'number', {
start: 5,
end: 10
const result = await, author);
const { MessagePrompter } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');

const handler = new MessagePrompter('Are you happy or sad?', 'reaction', {
reactions: ['🙂', '🙁']
const result = await, author);
const { MessagePrompter } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');

const handler = new MessagePrompter('Do you love me?', 'message');
const result = await, author);

Type Parameters

Type ParameterDefault type
S extends keyof StrategyReturns"confirm"


new MessagePrompter()

new MessagePrompter<S>(message: string | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions | MessagePrompterBaseStrategy, strategy?: S, strategyOptions?: S extends keyof StrategyOptions ? StrategyOptions[S<S>] : never): MessagePrompter<S>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:110

Constructor for the MessagePrompter class


messagestring | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions | MessagePrompterBaseStrategyThe message to send.
strategy?SThe strategy name or Instance to use
strategyOptions?S extends keyof StrategyOptions ? StrategyOptions[S<S>] : neverThe options that are passed to the strategy





strategy: MessagePrompterBaseStrategy

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:102

The strategy used in


static defaultStrategy: keyof StrategyReturns = 'confirm'

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:169

The default strategy to use


readonly static strategies: Map<keyof StrategyReturns, Ctor<[string | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions, IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions] | [string | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions, IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions] | [string | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions, IMessagePrompterReactionStrategyOptions] | [string | MessagePayload | MessageCreateOptions, IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions], MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy | MessagePrompterMessageStrategy | MessagePrompterNumberStrategy | MessagePrompterReactionStrategy>>

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:149

The available strategies



run<Filter>(channel: MessagePrompterChannelTypes, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter<Filter>): S extends keyof StrategyReturns ? Promise<StrategyReturns[S<S>]> : never

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/MessagePrompter/MessagePrompter.ts:137

This executes the MessagePrompter and sends the message.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter
Filter extends [MessageReaction, User] | [Message]


channelMessagePrompterChannelTypesThe channel to use.
authorOrFilterUser | CollectorFilter<Filter>An author object to validate or a CollectorFilter predicate callback.


S extends keyof StrategyReturns ? Promise<StrategyReturns[S<S>]> : never