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Type Alias: PaginatedMessagePage

PaginatedMessagePage: (index: number, pages: PaginatedMessagePage[], handler: PaginatedMessage) => Awaitable<PaginatedMessageMessageOptionsUnion> | PaginatedMessageMessageOptionsUnion

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/discord.js-utilities/src/lib/PaginatedMessages/PaginatedMessageTypes.ts:259

The pages that are used for PaginatedMessage.pages

Pages can be either a Message, or an Awaitable function that returns a Message.

Furthermore, MessageOptions can be used to construct the pages without state. This library also provides MessageBuilder, which can be used as a chainable alternative to raw objects, similar to how MessageEmbed works.

Ideally, however, you should use the utility functions `addPageBuilder`, `addPageContent`, and `addPageEmbed` as opposed to manually constructing `MessagePages`. This is because a PaginatedMessage does a lot of post-processing on the provided pages and we can only guarantee this will work properly when using the utility methods.