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Enumeration: FetchResultTypes

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:7

The supported return types for the fetch method

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
Blob"blob"Returns only the body, as a Blob. Remark For NodeJS environment other FetchResultTypes are recommended, but you can use a Blob if you want to.projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:25
Buffer"buffer"Returns only the body, as a Buffer. Remark Does not work in a Browser environment. For browsers use FetchResultTypes.Blob instead. If you use this type in a Browsers environment a `ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined` will be thrown!projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:20
JSON"json"Returns only the body, as JSON. Similar to Body.json(). You should provide your own type cast (either through the generic return type, or with as <type>) to the response to define the JSON structure, otherwise the result will be unknown.projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:14
Result"result"Returns the entire response and doesn't parse the body in any way.projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:33
Text"text"Returns only the body, as plain text. Similar to Body.text().projects/utilities/packages/fetch/src/lib/types.ts:29