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Function: maxByKey()

maxByKey<ElementType, MappedType>(iterable: IterableResolvable<ElementType>, callbackFn: (element: ElementType, index: number) => MappedType, comparator: CompareByComparator<MappedType>): ElementType | null

Defined in: projects/utilities/packages/iterator-utilities/src/lib/maxByKey.ts:35

Returns the element that gives the maximum value from the specified function.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the iterator is empty, null is returned.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter


ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
iterableIterableResolvable<ElementType>undefinedAn iterator of number values to determine the maximum value of.
callbackFn(element: ElementType, index: number) => MappedTypeundefinedA function to execute for each element produced by the iterator, producing a key to compare with.
comparatorCompareByComparator<MappedType>defaultCompareA function to execute for each element produced by the iterator. It should return a number value.


ElementType | null

The element that gives the maximum value from the specified function, or null if the iterator is empty.


max for a version that uses the default comparator.


maxBy for a version that allows custom comparators.


import { maxByKey } from '@sapphire/iterator-utilities';

const iterable = [-3, 0, 1, 5, -10];
console.log(maxByKey(iterable, (value) => Math.abs(value)));
// Output: -10


This function consumes the entire iterator.