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Select Menus

Select menus are components that let values (name speaks for itself doesn't it 😄). You can configure them to either allow only one value or multiple values, as well as what kind of select menu it should be.

Here's a simple example that will echo the value the user selected back to them:

const { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class MenuHandler extends InteractionHandler {
constructor(ctx, options) {
super(ctx, {
interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.SelectMenu

parse(interaction) {
if (interaction.customId !== 'my-echo-select') return this.none();

return this.some();

async run(interaction) {
await interaction.reply({
// Remember how we can have multiple values? Let's get the first one!
content: `You selected: ${interaction.values[0]}`
module.exports = {