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Returning Data and errors

Sapphire offers a custom ApiResponse with useful methods for returning data. The following is a code example of how to return JSON data with a status of 200 (OK):

const { Route } = require('@sapphire/plugin-api');

class MyRoute extends Route {
async run(request, response) {
return response.json({
myBestFriend: 'Sapphire'
module.exports = {

The following methods are available on the ApiResponse class:

Sets the status code to 400 (Bad Request) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { error: data } wherein data is whatever you provided to the function, or Bad Request if none was provided.

Sets the status code to 409 (Conflict) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { error: data } wherein data is whatever you provided to the function, or Conflict if none was provided.

Sets the status code to 201 (Created) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { data }. If the data is a string then content type will be set to text/plain, otherwise it will be set to application/json.

Sets the status code to 403 (Forbidden) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { error: data } wherein data is whatever you provided to the function, or Forbidden if none was provided.

Does not set any specific status code, which means it will be set to 200 (OK) automatically by NodeJS. The structure of the response will be { data }. If the data is a string then content type will be set to text/plain, otherwise it will be set to application/json.

Sets the status code to 204 (No Content) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { data }. If the data is a string then content type will be set to text/plain, otherwise it will be set to application/json.

Sets the status code to 404 (Not Found) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { error: data } wherein data is whatever you provided to the function, or Not Found if none was provided.

Sets the status code to 200 (OK) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { data }. If the data is a string then content type will be set to text/plain, otherwise it will be set to application/json.

Sets a custom status code on the response, and returns the response entity for method chaining. You can use HttpCodes from the library to get a human-readable status code.

Does not set any specific status code, which means it will be set to 200 (OK) automatically by NodeJS. The data to be sent is set with the content type text/plain and has to be a raw string. Use this when data should NOT be JSON serializable.

Sets the status code to 401 (Unauthorized) and returns the given data. The structure of the response will be { error: data } wherein data is whatever you provided to the function, or Unauthorized if none was provided.