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Using Subcommand Groups

The following examples will show off how to map subcommands within a group to methods in your command class. They will build off the example in the previous Getting Started section. If you haven't checked it out, we suggest you go back, take a peek, and come back fresh and ready to code!

Message Command Subcommand Groups Usage

const { Subcommand } = require('@sapphire/plugin-subcommands');

// Extend `Subcommand` instead of `Command`
class UserCommand extends Subcommand {
constructor(context, options) {
super(context, {
name: 'vip',
subcommands: [
{ name: 'list', messageRun: 'messageList', default: true },
name: 'action',
type: 'group',
entries: [
{ name: 'add', messageRun: 'messageAdd' },
{ name: 'remove', messageRun: 'messageRemove' }

async messageList(message, args) {}

async messageAdd(message, args) {}

async messageRemove(message, args) {}
module.exports = {

This example is very similar to the one in the Getting Started Message Command Usage section. "vip" and "vip list" will run messageList, but the two subcommands in the group are now invoked with "vip action add" and "vip action remove".

Chat Input Command "Subcommand Groups" Usage

"Subcommands and Subcommand Groups" is Discord's way of grouping Chat Input Application Commands on their side. To avoid confusion due to similar naming, please refer to the Subcommands and Subcommand Groups documentation for examples on how they are seen by your end users. In this guide, we are simply showing you how to map application commands in a "Subcommand" or "Subcommand Group" to a method using the plugin.


Before you can use with Chat Input Commands (Slash Commands), we recommend you learn how to register and use regular Chat Input Commands first in order to understand what the registerApplicationCommands() method does. Please read Registering Chat Input Commands for details, and come back when you're done!

const { Subcommand } = require('@sapphire/plugin-subcommands');

// Extend `Subcommand` instead of `Command`
class UserCommand extends Subcommand {
constructor(context, options) {
super(context, {
name: 'vip',
subcommands: [
{ name: 'list', chatInputRun: 'chatInputList' },
name: 'action',
type: 'group',
entries: [
{ name: 'add', chatInputRun: 'chatInputAdd' },
{ name: 'remove', chatInputRun: 'chatInputRemove' }

registerApplicationCommands(registry) {
registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) =>
.setDescription('Vip command') // Needed even though base command isn't displayed to end user
.addSubcommand((command) => command.setName('list').setDescription('List vips'))
.addSubcommandGroup((group) =>
.setDescription('action subcommand group') // Also needed even though the group isn't displayed to end user
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Add a vip')
.addUserOption((option) =>
option.setName('user').setDescription('user to add to vip list').setRequired(true)
.addSubcommand((command) =>
.setDescription('Remove a vip')
.addUserOption((option) =>
option.setName('user').setDescription('user to remove from vip list').setRequired(true)

async chatInputList(interaction) {}

async chatInputAdd(interaction) {}

async chatInputRemove(interaction) {}
module.exports = {

The code above registers three slash commands: /vip list, /vip action add, and /vip action remove. These run the respective class methods mapped in the subcommands array.

list is a direct "Subcommand" of vip, while add and remove are in a "Subcommand Group called" action under vip. In the previous sentence, we are referring to the how Discord organizes the application commands on their end.

Mixing Message Command Subcommand Groups and Chat Input Command Subcommand Groups

The answer to if you can use both at the same time is yes.

const { Subcommand } = require('@sapphire/plugin-subcommands');

// Extend `Subcommand` instead of `Command`
class UserCommand extends Subcommand {
constructor(context, options) {
super(context, {
name: 'vip',
subcommands: [
{ name: 'list', messageRun: 'messageList', default: true, chatInputRun: 'chatInputList' },
name: 'action',
type: 'group',
entries: [
{ name: 'add', messageRun: 'messageAdd', chatInputRun: 'chatInputAdd' },
{ name: 'remove', messageRun: 'messageRemove', chatInputRun: 'chatInputRemove' }
} // Register Application Commands and implement methods below...
module.exports = {

As mentioned in Getting Started, default is only functional for Message Command subcommands.