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Wrapper around Phisherman to easily check and report domains

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With @sapphire/phisherman, you can have an out of the box integration with Phisherman. Phisherman is a centralised database of phishing and scam links. It is designed for use with Discord bots, allowing them to utilise the Phisherman API to cross-check URLs against our known phishing links.

Note: Phisherman is currently in early access. For more information or to request access, please visit their discord server.


  • Fully ready for TypeScript!
  • Includes ESM ready entrypoint
  • Easy to use


You can use the following command to install this package, or replace npm install with your package manager of choice.

npm install @sapphire/phisherman


Note: While this section uses import, it maps 1:1 with CommonJS' require syntax. For example, import { checkDomain } from '@sapphire/phisherman' is the same as const { checkDomain } = require('@sapphire/phisherman').

Before you do anything make sure to set the apiKey like this:

import { setApiKey } from '@sapphire/phisherman';


The main use you will have for phisherman is checking whether an URL is safe or not. You can do so with:

import { checkDomain } from '@sapphire/phisherman';


If you have an URL that didn't pass the check, but you are sure is actually a phishing site, you can use the following to report it to phisherman:

import { reportDomain } from '@sapphire/phisherman';


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